Michele Solomon - Speaker

Community Development Manager
Ontario Native Women’s Association

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Michele is Community Development Manager at the Ontario Native Women’s Association. In her role as Community Development Manager, Michele leads programs focused on Indigenous Women’s Leadership. Michele also served on the ONWA Board of Directors from 1988-1993.

Michele Solomon is a member and an elected Councillor for Fort William First Nation in her third term of office. She is a proud mother and grandmother. Michele earned a BA Indigenous Learning degree (Lakehead University) and Social Service Worker Diploma (Confederation College).

One of her many roles as Councillor is to provide guidance and knowledge towards a substantial portfolio area for the First Nation, which includes Health and Community Services, Finance and Administration, Youth and Social Development.

Michele’s main area of expertise is Mental Health and Addictions stemming from her many years of employment as a Team Leader and Manager at Dilico Anishinabek Family Care and Health Centre Manager for White Cedar. From her background in these areas, it has allowed her to obtain a strong knowledge of opioid addiction and treatment.
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Michele Solomon's Sessions


Breakout session

Trinity 1 Room and Online

Michele Solomon, Monique DesRosiers
Date: June 29, 2022
Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm